Maximize Channel Partner Program Growth

Updated December 20, 2023
Published in Channel Management, Channel Marketing

For channel managers in an emerging company who aspire to excellence, exponential channel partner program growth is the name of the game. So how do they make that happen?

For starters, they understand the true demands of the job. Their role is a hybrid of sales and marketing so they must know:

  • How to sell
  • How to be strategic about who they partner with
  • How to create the channel ecosystem
  • How to develop their business and their partners’ business
Do you know how to achieve your channel partner program growth objectives?
Do you know how to achieve your channel partner program growth objectives?

Top channel managers are keyed into all the initiatives going on in their company and see their role as central to its success. Even so, they focus not only on marketing their company, but also on helping partners market their companies too. They know partners’ KPIs and goals and involve themselves in their partners’ business planning processes.

The best channel managers make sure they’re visible to senior management and are able to get their leaders involved when it will benefit key partners and create program growth.

They’re able to build credibility for themselves and their channel partner program by demonstrating for leaders that there are precursors to results, that there will be milestones to the goal and that they’ll be tracking those. They set expectations and revisit results post-activity. They test and measure their activities and are continuously learning which partners are most successful with the vendor’s offering.

Want to learn more about how to become a highly successful channel manager and maximize partner program growth? Check out our e-book, Five Habits of Channel Manager Rock Stars, and learn not only the habits but how to make them yours.

More Partner Program Growth Resources


Featured Download: 5 Habits of Channel Manager Rock Stars


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