Partner Email Marketing

Engaged partners are much more likely to be successful, and Channeltivity has all the tools to easily drive awareness, engagement and activity in your channel program. Using our Email Marketing module, channel marketers can easily send partners personalized and targeted email messages based on their interests.

The three main benefits of serving partners personalized content via email are:

  1. Creating awareness. Stay top-of-mind with your partners by regularly sending them tailored, relevant content. That way they’ll think of you first when an opportunity presents itself.
  2. Partner engagement. Send partners compelling headlines linked to content in Channeltivity. Giving partners a reason to log in elevates portal usage as a whole.
  3. Partner activity. Remind and encourage partners to participate in your program by notifying them of promotions, new training content, and other ways to become more active.
Email Marketing

Personalized Email Marketing

The Email Marketing module makes it easy to send partners personalized and targeted email messages:

  1. Add content to Channeltivity, setting permission, topics, go-live date, and more. Customize areas that are personalized based on the partner’s name, tier, region, etc. or fields defined by you.
  2. Customize your partner audience based on permissions and subscribed topics.
  3. Send out personalized email messages to partners containing content based on their interests.
  4. Use our powerful analytics engine to get insights into partner behavior and campaign performance.

Real-time Visibility into Email Engagement

Built-in analytics provide a real-time view into partners’ engagement with email messages. Track and report on opens, clicks, bounces and more requests so you can focus your time on creating email messages and content that resonate and create the desired outcomes.

Fully Compliant with GDPR and CCPA

For global partner programs, keeping your email marketing efforts compliant with various regulations like the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) can be a challenge. Channeltivity’s To-Partner Marketing functionality has all compliance best practices baked-in to the platform. This makes it easy to collect and record opt-ins and unsubscribes to ensure your marketing messages conform with regulations.

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